Elevating Your Patient Experience with MYIO FAQs

Here are answers to your most frequently asked questions from our Elevating Your Patient Experience with MYIO webinar. Click on a topic to expand the related list of questions.

Appointment Request

Can you set provider availability for only certain types of appointments? 

This is not currently available, but you can create calendar blocks with an appointment category marked as "Busy" that are internally visible on the Scheduler but will prevent patients from requesting appointments during those times. You can also customize your availability according to facility. 



Is there a way to differentiate if a patient saved their card to the card manager or if someone within the practice did? 

Currently, there is not a differentiation between patients saving a card to the card manager or someone within the practice. If this is a recurrent concern, please reach out to our support team to submit an enhancement request. 

Do patient’s credit balances show up in patient portal? 

Patients' online payments will show in their MYIO account, but not as a credit balance. Patients' credit balance will show in Valant. 

Is there a way to have patients pay after the session rather than before? 

If you keep the paywall feature disabled, patients will not be prompted to make a payment prior to the appointment. Patients can make a payment at any time, including after a session. 

Will the paywall force them to pay past due balances or just what they owe for that days session? 

The paywall will only prompt the patient to pay their responsibility for that appointment - whether this means their copay or full amount for the session. This enables patients to join sessions even if they have a past due balance, so they can pay off the remaining balance as they are able. 

I use Doxy.me for telehealth. Can I use the payment feature? 

If you use Valant's Integrated Credit Card Processing, you can enable the paywall feature for appointment check in. If you use an external telehealth solution, you will need to direct patients on the steps to take prior to joining their virtual appointments, rather than the process being all-in-one screen. 

Can patients prepay prior to checking in? I have been asked this by some patients who have seen the "make a payment" tab. 

Yes, patients can make a payment prior to checking in. If they make a payment that matches or is more than their patient responsibility for that session, they will be able to check in at their appointment time without being prompted to make another payment. 

Where is the system pulling the amount due/payment amount from? 

The amount due appearing in a MYIO account is the Patient Balance, or the amount set to patient responsibility. 

When paywall is enabled, what happens if a patient can't pay? How do they complete check-in? 

If the patient is unable to pay at their appointment time, you can check the patient in through their appointment in the Scheduler. Right click the calendar event, hover on "Appointment" and select "Check in patient". 

Do patients get a notification if they have a balance when patient balances are turned on in patient portal? 

Patients can view their balance on the "Billing" page of their MYIO account. 


Feature Request

What if a patient has declined setup and/or use of the portal? Are we able to indicate that somewhere so they wouldn't continue to receive the MYIO automated invite? 

There is not a way to indicate that the patient has declined to set up MYIO in their record. However, if "Phone call" is selected as their only preferred method in the Patient Communications field, they will not be sent an Automated MYIO Onboarding reminder. 

Is there any way you can send the e-signature paperwork at the same time the MYIO invite is sent? 

We are working on a new eSignature solution that will improve on current functionality, including the ability to preemptively send an eSignature packet for intake. This is expected in 2023. At this time, patients must set up their MYIO account before you can send an eSignature request. 

Will you come up with an icon to show that a provider is on a telehealth appt on the scheduler? 

Today, that is not an offered feature, but our product team has added it to the list of potential enhancements. 



Do clinical measures have to be in a signed appointment note to be viewable in the chart? 

If the measures were sent to the patient via MYIO, filled out, and returned, they do not need to be signed to be viewable in the chart. When this happens, the measure appears in "Uninitialed Documents." If the provider views and initials the measures in Uninitialed Documents, then the measures will be posted directly to the patient chart and won't be pulled into a clinical note. If the provider does not initial the measure prior to documenting the session, the measure will pull into the clinical note when using Mobile Notes so long as this setting is enabled in your Mobile Notes Template. This article provides more information: Manage Mobile Notes Templates.

Is there a way to schedule measures from a specific provider versus going out with just the next appointment? 

Scheduled measures are sent before every appointment that has a transaction code for which "Count as Visit" is checked. At this time, there is not a way to schedule measures from a specific provider. 

Is it possible to customize a measure or rating scale? 

Customizing measures and rating scales requires development and is available upon request. This would be custom work at a rate of $150/hour. Depending on the complexity of the measure and its scoring, the time it takes to build custom measures varies widely, but is typically 3-8 hours. 


MYIO Onboarding

Will new clients have to call in to get started? 

Not necessarily. If you have the new patient's basic information - name, given sex, and phone number or email address - you can send them an invitation to set up their MYIO portal account. Learn more here: Get Started and Manage Accounts with MYIO.

How does the "Patient Communications" field under the "Contact" tab interact with the new onboarding features? Or how are they distinct? 

The Patient Communications field tells our system which phone number or email address to send automated reminders and broadcast messages to via SMS, phone call, or email. Adding an SMS or email preference to the patient's Patient Communications field enables the system to send the Automated MYIO Onboarding message to the patient when they are marked as an Active patient with a portal status other than Active. Note: Automated MYIO Onboarding must be enabled for this invitation to automatically send. 

What if a existing patient had chosen ONLY phone (not SMS, not email) as their preferred communication? What happens to the onboarding message? 

The Automated MYIO Onboarding message will only send if the patient has an SMS or email listed as one of their preferred communication methods in their "Patient Communications" field. We recommend adding an email initially to the list of preferred communication methods when patients wish to receive phone calls. This email can be removed later on if desired. 

What is the name of the Valant email for the portal link? 

Currently, the MYIO portal email invitations appear as no-reply@valant.io

Where does it show the date we inactivated the account? 

To see the date and time a patient was inactivated, navigate to Persons & Institutions | Patients. Filter the list by selecting "Inactive" under the "Active" column. Search or select patient, then select the History tab to view the date and time the patient was inactivated. 



When setting up clients over the phone, we are unable to select "Statements are allowed to be sent to portal" and save it if having clients fill in their needed info on the portal. Is there a way to fix this? 

This setting will show up once a patient has created their MYIO account. Once you send the patient an invitation and they create an account, you will be able to configure the "Statements are allowed to be sent to portal" setting. 

Is there a way to enable certain reports for employees as some information I don't want my providers having access to due to proprietary information? 

You can set "Reports" and "Report Center" permissions at the user level. To do this, navigate to Persons & Institutions | Providers or Staff | select a user then go to the  Permissions tab. Scroll to find "Reports" and/or "Report Center" as a permission set. 


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