Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) Overview

Practices that have the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) enabled with Dr. First will able to review PDMP data for patients while prescribing. Once the prescription is pending there will be a tab below the pending prescription that says "Click Here to Review PDMP Data" to see information about other prescriptions to the patient. This window is located below the pending prescription but above the area where the prescriber enters their token info and signing passphrase.

Rcopia 4 Screenshots of PDMP: 

  • Under the "Medications" section for each patient there is an option to click "View PDMP Data" and will also show the date it was last viewed. 
  • The "PDMP Summary" will show the Narx Report including Clinical Risk Indicators.
  • When prescription information is expanded users can see fill dates and detailed information for prescriptions.

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