Inactive Provider Management

This article describes some recommended transition steps to follow if a provider is no longer at a practice. 

Inactivating a Provider

Clicking the "Inactive" checkbox on the "User Account" tab prevents the provider from accessing the account.

The Inactive checkbox on the "Provider" tab inactivates the provider record. The provider's calendar will remain available on the scheduler until this "Inactive" checkbox is clicked.


Communication with Inactive Provider’s Patients

A timesaving and appropriate platform to use for communication with an inactive provider's patients is the Provider Availability Broadcast Message.

Suggested to notify patients the provider has left and the practice will be working to reassign them for continuing care.

Review the Patient Communications - Broadcast Messages article for more information.


Impersonating an Inactive Provider

Sometimes a provider’s employment is terminated with short notice. Their supervisor may need to access some of the terminated provider’s unsigned notes, Tx Plans, Secure Messages inbox, patients hidden by chart segmentation, etc. to tie off loose ends. 

Providers with the “Impersonation” permission will be able to “Impersonate” another inactive provider at their practice. While impersonating, they will have access to everything the inactive provider could access (patients, unsigned documents, etc.), but any action taken will be stored in audit history with the user who actually took the action (the impersonator). 

Tasks to Complete as an Impersonator:

  • Secure Messaging:
    • Review the inbox of provider and reply to any unread messages
    • Save any threads to the patient chart as needed
    • Enable the ‘Send Auto-Reply’ feature to direct any patients that send a message to reach out to the practice.  This would be a temporary reply until the provider profile is inactivated
  • To Do's:
    • Check for any outstanding items for the provider
  • Documentation:
    • Access Unsigned Documents and Uninitialed Documents queues to sign or initial any outstanding items.
    • Prior to logging in as the provider, the user can utilize reports to determine what is outstanding.
      • Reports | System Reports | Clinical | Multi-Signer Status
      • Reports | System Reports | Clinical | Unsigned Documents
  • Treatment Plans:
    • Close out existing active patient treatment plans

Select "Impersonate User" from the drop-down options next to the provider name in the top right corner.

Choose inactive provider from drop-down options, click Select.

A red banner is displayed at the top of the screen when impersonating. Click Stop Impersonating to exit the function.


While impersonating, users cannot start new documents. However, they can edit and sign documents that were started by the provider being impersonated. The signature will show as the actual provider taking the action of signing (the impersonator).

Impersonating users will have access to Psychotherapy notes (which are otherwise inaccessible to users other than the authoring provider).

No users will have the "Impersonation" permission by default. A user with Admin Access permission will need to assign it to the Providers and/or Roles they deem appropriate. Practice leaders should determine policies for who can use impersonation and in what circumstances, and communicate this to providers.


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