Adding, Editing or Deleting a Document Template

Editing the name, description, or type of the template

  1. Click Reference Data | Document Templates.
  2. Click on the template that is to be edited. The template will highlight in blue and the contents of the template will be displayed on the bottom half of the screen.
  3. Edit the settings as needed. 
  4. Click Save.

Deleting a template

  1. Click Reference Data | Document Templates.
  2. Click on the Action button of the template that is to be deleted.
  3. Click Delete Template.
  4. Click Yes when the warning message appears.

NOTE:  Once a template has been deleted, it cannot be recovered.

 Uploading a template

This function is not usually necessary. Normally, Valant will upload a template for the practice after it has been created by a custom template specialist. Valant does not recommend attempting to create custom templates without the assistance of our staff. Custom Template creation that is 1-4 pages is $350 and more than 4 pages is $775. Keep in mind that correcting a template may take more time than if our staff created the template from scratch. Custom templates take up to 10 business days to create and sometimes longer, depending on the format in which the template was provided to our staff.

If Valant provides your organization with a template to be uploaded, follow these steps:

  1. Click Reference Data | Document Templates.
  2. Click New Document Template.
  3. Fill out the necessary fields (name, description, document type).
  4. Click Browse and select the file  that was provided by our staff.
  5. Click Open or OK, depending on the operating system.
  6. Click Save.

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