Mobile Notes Measures That Populate the Patient Chart Measurements Tab

Most Mobile Notes Measures in Valant generate a numerical score that can be tracked over time in the Measurements tab in the patient's clinical chart. These scores will automatically populate from the Measure to the Measurements tab. Below is a list of all Mobile Notes Measures indicating which will import scores to the Measurements tab in the patient chart.

Measure Imports to Measurements?
Adult Symptom Screener - Adult Symptom Screener No
Agoraphobia Subscale - Agoraphobia Subscale Yes
*AIMS  - Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale Yes
ASRS-v1.1 - Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale Symptom Checklist Yes
AUDIT - Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test Yes
BAM- Brief Addiction Monitor  Yes
CAGE-AID - CAGE Questionnaire Adapted to Include Drugs Yes
CES-DC - Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale for Children Yes
Child Symptom Screener - Child Symptom Screener No
*COWS - Clinical Opiate Withdrawal Scale Yes
EDE-Q - Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire Yes
HDCL-C  - Johns Hopkins Depression Checklist for Children Yes
IPDS - Iowa Personality Disorder Screen  Yes
GAD-7 - Generalized Anxiety Disorder - 7-item Yes
GDS-15  - Geriatric Depression Scale - 15-item Short Form Yes
GDS-30 - Geriatric Depression Scale - 30-item version Yes
ICG - Inventory of Complicated Grief Yes
MDQ - Mood Disorder Questionnaire Yes
MEQ - Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire Yes
NIDA-Modified ASSIST - NIDA-Modified Alcohol, Smoking, and Substance Involvement Screening Test Yes
PCL-C - PTSD Checklist - Civilian Version Yes
PCL-S - PTSD Checklist - Specific Yes
PDSS - Panic Disorder Severity Scale Yes
PHQ-9 - Patient Health Questionnaire-9 Yes
PSC - Pediatric Symptom Checklist Yes
SCARED-Child - Screen for Child Anxiety Related Disorders - Child Version Yes
SCARED-Parent  - Screen for Child Anxiety Related Disorders - Parent Version Yes
SCARED-Parent Panic Disorder Subscale Yes
SCARED-Parent GAD Subscale Yes
SCARED-Parent Separation Anxiety Subscale Yes
SCARED-Parent Social Anxiety Subscale Yes
SCARED-Parent Significant School Avoidance Subscale Yes
SEEK-PSQ - SEEK Parent Screening Questionnaire No
SPIN - Social Phobia Inventory Yes
Suicide Ideation Intensity Subscale  - Suicide Ideation Intensity Subscale No
Trauma Questionnaire - Trauma Questionnaire No
Vanderbilt-Parent  - NICHQ Vanderbilt Assessment Scale - Parent Informant Yes
Vanderbilt-Parent ADHD Subscale Yes
Vanderbilt-Parent ODD Subscale Yes
Vanderbilt-Parent Conduct Disorder Subscale Yes
Vanderbilt-Teacher - NICHQ Vanderbilt Assessment Scale - Teacher Informant Yes
WHODAS 2.0 - World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 Yes
*YMRS - Young Mania Rating Scale Yes
Y-PSC - Pediatric Symptom Checklist - Youth Report Yes

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