System | Valant Access

Users with the "Admin Access" permission can select System | Valant Access. The "Valant Access" page controls what Superusers and Valant Employees can see in the account. Valant has the ability to create Superuser accounts, for users who access multiple practices with the same login information. Often times these are third party billers, people who work at multiple practices, and Valant Employees. This includes Implementation Managers, Customer Support, and Engineers who work to assure your Valant Account is running smoothly. Practices can control the level of access these Superusers have. Please note that if you restrict permissions of Valant Access it will affect Valant Customer Support's ability to access the account.

Note: Deselecting "Outside Access" turns off the ability for Valant Support to assist.

We recommend that you do not edit or change these permissions if you do not wish to restrict these permissions.  


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