Persons & Institutions | Patients

From the navigation menu select Persons & Institutions | Patients to access the page "Patients" page to update demographic and insurance information for a patient.  

This page contains a list of patients and is where patient demographic information is stored and can be updated. Patients can be searched by Name, Address, Main Phone, Date of Birth, or Documentation ID to quickly lookup a specific patient. Each column can be filtered and the order in which the columns appear can be changed by dragging and dropping the heading. Patient ID includes the EasyNav drop-down menu to access other areas of the EHR. and the Active Column is available in the grid.

Portal Status and Status Details columns indicate which step in the process has been reached as well as the date and time of the status change. The status options include:

  • Never Started
  • Invite Sent
  • Invite Expired
  • Onboarding
  • Active
  • Auto Invite 1/2/3/etc
  • Max Attempts
  • Locked Out

The buttons on the top right allow for users to:

Export all data: This button will download an excel file of data
Select Columns: This allows users to customize what columns appear on the heading of the grid
Clear Filters and Search: This will clear any filters or searches that are currently being used on the grid
Refresh Data: Will refresh the page and show any updates or changes made

Selecting a patient will reveal the Demographics tab (labeled as "Demo") and allow for changes to the patients information. There are also other tabs available including Custom, Guardians, Appointments, Insurance Tabs (based on how many insurance assigned to the patient), Contacts, Balances, Authorizations, Other Details, Notes/Image, Misc., School, Eligibility, Portal, and History. Each tab is explained in the expandable menu below and contains links to more specific articles.

"Add Insurance", "Delete Insurance", and "Resent Bill Insurance" can be controlled on the "Insurance" tab. Add Guardian and Delete Guardian is now available on the "Guardians" tab. "Write off Outstanding Balances" is now available on the Balances tab.

There is also a Save and Save and Close button option. The Save button allows user to save progress as they are updating patient information


The demographics tab allows for user demographics. The only information required to save a patient into the EHR is "First Name", "Last Name", and "Sex". Once saved with the initial information full address, "Main Phone", "Birthdate", "Assigned Provider", and "Assigned Facility" are required.


The Custom Tab is available to practice that have configured Custom Fields and Custom Tabs from practice users with Admin Access, and have created fields specific to the practice. 


The "Guardians" tab allows users to list guardians for the patient. These guardians can be imported from the guarantor list or added independently. 

Clicking +New will open the window to add a new guardian or import a guardian from the Guarantor list. Name is a required field, all other fields are optional.  
If a patient has more than one guardian, or different types of Guardians they can can added or edited by clicking Reorder/Delete. This will open a new menu and allow to click and drag to reorder, or uncheck to delete.

Related Persons

Related Persons is used to add people who are not providers, patients, guardians, or guarantors to Valant so they can be used as signers on Treatment Plans (where they are called "Other Signer") and Custom Forms. Examples of Related Persons are teachers, social workers, and parole officers.

Related Persons are like Guarantors in that the same Related Person can be associated with more than one patient. So to avoid duplication, before adding a new Related Person, check in the "Search Related Persons" field to see if they already exist in the system. If they do, then the same Related Person can be associated to the new patient; all the information about the Related Person is shared except "Related Person Note", which is per patient. If the Related Person does not already exist in the system, then add a new one.

Only First Name, Last Name, and Birthdate are required to create a Related Person, but it's recommended that an Email is added as well, since it is needed if they are going to sign via email.

Click + New to add a related person

Enter information, click OK


Care Teams

The care teams tab allows for tracking of multiple "Assigned Providers" and "Outside Providers" involved in a patient's treatment.

Assigned Providers

Start typing in the "Select..." field or use the drop down multiple select options to pick one or more provider who is active in the practice.

Click +Add and Save to connect the provider to the patient care team.

Remove or Mark/Unmark as Lead Provider by using the down arrow options to the right of the provider.

Outside Providers

Start typing in the "Select..." field or use the drop down multiple select options to pick one or more provider from the list defined in Persons & Institutions | Outside Providers.

Click +Add and Save to connect the provider to the patient care team.

Remove, Mark/Unmark as Primary Care Provider, or Mark/Unmark as Referral Source by using the down arrow options to the right of the provider.


Persons & Institutions | Patients | Care Teams has an “Access” tab for setting which users are or are not allowed to access the patient record. See the Care Teams Overview article for more information about Care Teams.

This tab will allow managing access to patients who may be famous or “VIP”, as well as access by a staff member to known or related patient information. 

Options from the Access Tab

An “Open except as restricted” checkbox can be marked or unmarked to determine if the record is open (but with a restricted “blacklist) or closed (but with an allowed “whitelist”) 

If “Open except as restricted” is marked, a table of “restricted” users can be managed. Restricted users will not be able to access the patient record.

If “Open except as restricted” is unmarked, a table of “allowed” users can be managed. Only the allowed users and assigned providers will be able to access the patient record when Open is unmarked.


Reports are not impacted by the “Access” options. For example, if a provider has access to System Reports and/or Report Center, they will be able to run reports for all patients even if they have restricted access. 


The appointments tab will show a list of Upcoming appointments, and Previous Appointments.


The Insurance tab is where users can add, edit, delete, and reorder insurance for patients. To learn more about the Insurance tab click here.


The Contacts tab allows users to input contact information for the patient including additional phone numbers, email addresses, Emergency Contact information, referral source category, pharmacy information and the preferred patient communications method. Referral Source (Outside Provider) and Primary Care Provider are managed in the Care Teams tab.


The Balances tab will displace specific balance information and the Card Manager for practices with integrated credit card processing. 

Balances Definitions:

Patient Balance: Amount set to patient responsibility (Note: the aging process may or may not have been started).

Insurance Balance: Amount set to insurance responsibility (Note: the insurance balance includes items not yet billed to insurance). 

Prepayment Credit: Amount of prepayment on a clients account. 

Account Balance: Total combined of patient and insurance balance, does not include prepayment credit. 

Balances Aging Definitions:

Current: Total patient balance currently due. (Under 30 days since a statement was marked as printed)

Over 30 Days Past Due: Balance marked as printed on a patient statement in the past 30-59 days. 

Over 60 Days Past Due: Balance was marked as printed on a patient statement in the past 60-89 days. 

Over 90 Days Past Due: Balance was marked as printed on a patient statement in the past 90-119 days. 

Over 120 Days Past Due: Balance was marked as printed on a patient statement more than 120 days ago. 

Card Manager

Practices that use integrated credit card processing can access the Card Manager from the Balances tab. Users can store credit card information to be used at a later date here. The card information is not available once saved due to PCI Compliance, however a token for the card is stored and can be used to process payments at a later date. If a patient saves a card via the Patient Portal, then that card will also be stored in the Card Manager. Cards added to the Card Manager in the EHR are not available to the patient in the Patient Portal. 


The Authorizations tab allows practices to add Authorizations for Patients.

  • When adding a new authorization click New to open the Authorizations pop-up and input information about the authorization
  • Select the Transaction Codes the Authorization applies for
  • Select the Providers to which the authorization applies for


The other tab allow users to input information for billing fields in box 10, and 14-18. 


This tab is for tracking attempts to contact the patient. Tracking each outreach attempt in its own record makes it easy to see how many attempts have been made and when the most recent outreach took place. When viewing the main table of all patients, those factors can be used to help prioritize the queue for follow-up.

Click +New to add a new outreach record

  • The date and time of the outreach will default to the current time, but can be manually edited
  • The “Notes” column can be used to add details about the outreach attempt (for example, the method and result of the outreach attempt) 
  • The “Inactive” checkbox can be used to inactivate an outreach record

Click any row in the table to edit the outreach record 



The Notes tab allows for general text notes about a patient. A patient image can also be uploaded by clicking on the grey and black silhouette to either browse your computer, or drop a file to upload an image. There is a size restriction of 1MB.


The Miscellaneous tab allows the user to input other demographic information about the patient



The School tabs let the practice input school information.


The Eligibility tab allows users to view information about previous eligibility checks.


The portal tab allows users to set up and manage the patient's MYIO account including manage passwords, and sending eSignature Requests
Account Setup Status indicates which step in the process has been reached. The status options include:

  • Never Started
  • Invite Sent
  • Invite Expired
  • Onboarding
  • Active
  • Auto Invite 1/2/3/etc
  • Max Attempts
  • Locked Out


The History tab is an audit-log of any activity of the patient. Any time a patient is added, inactivated, or modified there will be a trail in the history.

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