UTM Detail Tracking from Prospective Patient Forms

When a prospective patient completes and submits a form on the practice’s website, any UTM details in the URL will be automatically captured and stored. UTM details assist practices with easily tracking which marketing campaigns, platforms, or strategies are bringing patients to the practice. 

This article describes some of the key features.

Automatic UTM Capture

When a form is submitted, UTM details in the URL are saved directly in the Persons & Institutions | Prospective Patients table.

To capture UTM details, include them in the URL wherever there is a link to Prospective Patient Forms.

The UTM details that can be captured are:

  • UTM Source
  • UTM Medium
  • UTM Campaign
  • UTM Term
  • UTM Content 

Easy Data Access

Easily select and view these details in the table format.

Navigate to Persons & Institutions | Prospective Patients, click the “Select columns” icon button to the top right of the table of prospective patients. The five UTM fields listed above can be added as columns in the table

Export for Analysis

With a simple click, export these insights to a CSV file from the Persons & Institutions | Prospective Patients table for in-depth analysis.

After selecting which columns to include in the table, export the entire table’s contents using the “Export to excel” icon button above the prospective patients table.

Track in Google Analytics

Pass UTM details to Google Analytics when a prospective patient submits the online forms by utilizing a Thank You page on a practice's website.  

To redirect form submitters to the practice’s “thank you” page, select “External URL” and enter the page URL under Persons & Institutions | Practice | Prospective Patients | Landing Page .

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